My name is Cydney Bertolino. I am currently a Senior at Nokomis High School. I live on the outside ... Learn More

Cydney Bertolino
About Me
My name is Cydney Bertolino. I am currently a Senior at Nokomis High School. I live on the outside of Nokomis with my parents Aaron and Shandy Bertolino, and my sister Carsyn and my brother Cooper. I spend most of my free time hanging out with friends and family, helping out on the farm, working with show pigs, and helping younger kids out with their show pig projects. I am involved in multiple organizations at NHS, including Lady Redskins basketball, FFA, Student Council, FCCLA, National Honor Society, and our Sources of Strength board. I am President of the Nokomis FFA Chapter, Secretary of Student Council and Co Secretary/Treasurer for National Honor Society. Outside of that, I also serve as the Section 19 Vice President, for FFA. I am very excited to be a part of the Montgomery CEO program. I think that this program will teach me lifelong skills that will help me be successful in the future. I am excited to work with the rest of my peers and learn from other business professionals.